Workshop Proceedings

The workshop proceedings are now available in the IEEE Digital Library.

Keynote - Xavier Franch

"Dealing with NFRs in the MDD Process"
Software systems cannot be successful without taking non-functional requirements (NFRs) into account. But still there seems to be a lopsided emphasis on the functionality of the system, even though the functionality is not useful or usable when NFRs do not hold. MDD is not an exception to this rule. In this keynote, we will first analyse the state of the art in MDD with respect to NFR treatment. Besides a general landscape, we will provide details on one particular domain (service-based systems) and one particular modeling approach (goal-oriented). Next, we will reflect on the possible ways to fit NFRs in the MDD process and the consequences of each alternative. At the end, we will discuss a research agenda.

Xavier Franch is Associate Professor in the Group of Software and Service Engineering (GESSI) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. One of his research interests has long been in requirements engineering with highly regarded contributions in the area of non-functional requirements and goal modeling. He has published >150 refereed papers in international journals and conferences, serves on the Editorial Board of Elsevier IST and IJISMD, and is a member of the Steering Committee of RE, REFSQ, CAiSE, and the iStar workshop. Xavier was General Chair of RE'08, Program Co-Chair of ICSOC'14, CAiSE'12, REFSQ'11, and ICCBSS'06, and has co-organized numerous workshops held together with RE, ICSE, and CAiSE. He has been keynote speaker at RCIS and given invited talks at RE'04, IFIP WG 2.9, and Dagstuhl. He is Board Member of IREB.

Workshop Papers

The workshop presentations are now available to workshop participants (download all presentations in one zip file).